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Note: If you were re-directed to this page from Instagram store, please first visit to see the vast collection of the photographs that you can choose from to buy. Once you press the "Buy" button there you will come back again on this page to finish your checkout process. It's due to some Instagram policies. Apologies for the inconvenience. 


Now, you can check-out your digital image from the website and on this page.  To order multiple photos, enter the appropriate quantity during the check-out along with each unique photo number to identify your photo from the website collection. 


To purchase any one of the photos please specify the photo that you want to buy and provide your email id to send you a Copyright free photo of highest resolution in 300 DPI, in your email inbox. During checkout,  please click on "Add note" to provide your email id along with unique photo numbers you will find on each photo. If you want to order multiple photos separate each photo number with a comma. The photo numbers are unique and are visible on each photo when you click on them to open them in expanded mode. 


You can then use this photo to print the size you want from your favorite online print service (there are plenty of services online as you can do a google search) and order it with the frame of your choice. Most photo print services will offer you framing option and will tell you what size of print is good to print on their service, once you upload the image on their design tool. 


Use online search keywords like "online photo printing service" , "online photo frame service" etc. if you do not already use some existing service in your region. 


Clarification:  Both HOLOFIL and the photography websites and are owned and managed by Dr. Mrunal Gawade. 

Full resolution photos

€ 9,99Price
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